Glob patterns, often seen as simpler cousins of regular expressions, play a crucial role in various programming tasks, especially when dealing with files and directories. They offer a concise and versatile way to define a set of files matching specific criteria, saving you from writing complex and error-prone code. This […]
EventEmitters across components without Parent-Child in Angular

In this scenario we have no connection between two components and we want to implement EventEmitters via two different components. If you have parent/child scenario you can useĀ @Input, @Output system of angular (explained in other places). In Angular, communication between components is crucial for building dynamic and interactive applications. While […]
Mastering custom validation in Angular with Reactive Forms

Angular’s Reactive Forms offer a robust framework for building dynamic and data-driven forms and custom validation. While built-in validators like required and email handle common scenarios, complex applications often require validation rules. This article delves into creating custom validators in Angular, empowering you to tailor form validation to your specific […]
CSS Gradients: Photoshop-like Transparency and others

CSS gradients offer a powerful way to create a Photoshop-like transparency background, replicating transparency effects and even surpassing Photoshop’s limitations. Get ready to dive into the vibrant world of CSS gradients and explore: Basic example A basic trick can be to show grey and white boxes. Transparency Tricks: Fading Away […]
Unity 3D asset correct LOD configuration

This article talks about the power of LOD (level of detail) configuration in 3D graphics. It will also talk how to solve the loading issue on Unity’s asset store. We’ll peel back the layers, revealing how LOD transforms flat meshes into captivating digital worlds, maximizing visual impact while ensuring efficient […]