How to return a GET response from POST with json-server

js server mock json post to get

What I’m going to say is a bad idea.

Sometimes it may be necessary to force the hand a little for not quite standard requests. This is the case when a BE, when faced with a request with the POST/PUT/DELETE method, returns an answer that would be more appropriate for a GET call.
The json-server certainly helps us to mock requests like this but among its features there is also that of going to modify the db.json every whenever we send him a POST request for a dummy object.
To prevent this from happening and indeed return an arbitrary output there is a need for forcing, inserting a configuration that allows us to return regardless of the data.
We can do this by adding a configuration to the launch of our mock server, the middlewares parameter:

json-server --middlewares mocks/server.js --port=4201

Pointing it to a configuration file that intercepts all calls and manages those in another way, for example, with the POST method:

// mocks/server.js
// Replace POST method with GET to avoid 201 on POST.
module.exports = (req, res, next) => {
  if (req.method === 'POST') {
    // Is a POST request. Change its method to return something from db.json.
    req.method = 'GET';
  } else {
    // Not a post request. Let db.json handle it

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Don’t try it at home!

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