JWT authentication: securing your Angular + Spring Boot app

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) have become a popular choice for implementing secure and stateless authentication in modern web applications. This article delves into integrating JWT authentication with Angular, a powerful JavaScript framework, and Spring Boot, a robust Java backend framework. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of the […]

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JPA @Enumerated annotation in Spring Boot

In the world of Spring Boot applications, data modeling plays a crucial role and JPA @Enumerated is here for that. JPA provides an elegant way to map Java classes to database tables, while the @Enumerated annotation empowers you to seamlessly represent enumerations as database columns. This article delves into the […]

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Tips: rest API POST content types

If we need to POST an object with validated field, we can send it from our FE (Angular, React, etc…) application with 2 main content types: JSON or “form encoded”.Pay attenction to not use the @RequestBody annotation if you want to send those datas in the second one type.The application […]

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Building with Apache Maven

Maven is an Open Source project made by Apache and today we will build with it. It is a very powerful tool in terms of code compilation and development team collaboration. The heart of a Maven project is the pom.xml configuration file. One of the most important features of Maven […]

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