Java 8 Lambda expressions and functional interfaces

To talk about lambda functions and functional programming we must first talk about functional interfaces. A functional interface is an interface with one and only one abstract method. They have a special relationship with lambda expressions.From Java 8 we can find many functional interfaces in java.util.function package. A functional interface […]

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Nuxt typescript translate system

Nuxt translate system.

Often a multi-language application can be needed to be able to speak to a wider audience of people and we can use Nuxt translate system for it. It can always be useful to localize your application according to who you want to talk to, while still being able to read […]

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Modal with generic content in Angular app

Angular add a modal with generic content

Today we will see a way to add a modal with generic content in Angular, for web sites with many lists of resources, often even very complex.We can handle it like another “page” in router, allowing every content we need in it. This approach can be useful in cases where, […]

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Prevent UI update on every frame in Unity

Unity - prevent UI update on every frame

Let’s prevent UI update on every frame.When creating a UI within a game, during a level, the first temptation is to put the UI update inside the Update method. This practice is wrong because for most of the time the interface surrounding our game will always be the same and […]

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Regular expressions – metacharacters (part 1)

Today’s topic is separated from programming languages but included in. Regular expressions are a very efficient meta-language when it comes to performing validations, replacements or searches where accuracy of intent is crucial. In particular, in this part, we will analyze the syntax of regular expressions metacharacters.Many hate them as they […]

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