Simple operations with HTTPD

I want to show you today how to do little operations and configurations when you have to setup a new application on an Apache HTTPD installation.The following are classic daily operations that a system administrator does, which can be tricky if done once in a while. Configure a virtual host […]

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Equalize boxes height with only CSS

Equalize boxes height with only CSS

Let’s equalize some boxes height with CSS.Sometimes it can be useful to get CSS results even if you don’t have any style libraries available. A case that has happened to me at times is the need to level the boxes in height, making them the same. This without being able […]

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Create an Angular Formly form modal

Angular add a formly modal

Let’s create an Angular Formly form modal.With Angular we can create forms in many different ways, depending on what we need to do and depending on the complexity of the request.The library we are going to use today helps us in the generation of dynamic forms that allow the user […]

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Angular wrapper component

Angular wrapper component

Let’s talk about what is an Angular wrapper component. Sometimes we need to include our pages in another component that wrap them with some other functionalities (maybe a right nav or other side panels). The simplest way I know to create a wrapper component is using a special angular directive […]

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