Let’s talk about the Java generic types. Most of the time, we add generics to make lists type-safe.We have pre-java 5 lists without generics that can get all known object’s types and when you get an object out of it we don’t know its type. When we use generics we […]
Tips: rest API POST content types
If we need to POST an object with validated field, we can send it from our FE (Angular, React, etc…) application with 2 main content types: JSON or “form encoded”.Pay attenction to not use the @RequestBody annotation if you want to send those datas in the second one type.The application […]
Footer on bottom for short contents

In this article we will discover the rules for the Perfect Footer, that can adapt for all eventualities, a css trick for all. When you have a short content (that not fill the viewport) it stay at bottom of the page, leaving space between it and short content. When you […]
Angular Translate

Dynamic labels can be generated, translated with the user’s language and/or language administration. All starts with the import of translation modules: Then generate our json with the translations of the labels: In our module we will add imports and a function to load an external file. In a component we […]
Create and add a new Drupal custom module

One of the best features of Drupal is the module system, which allows its extreme modularity and versatility on any occasion.This has allowed over the years the creation of hundreds of modules by groups of developers who carried out only once the basic tasks for the creation and maintenance of […]