Arrow functions are a new ES6 Javascript feature to write more readable and shorter code, with the same results. It came with another new feature like the “let/const” renaming from the ES5 “var”. It may seem very similar to the anonymous functions of ES5 but with some small differences. A […]
Bootstrap 5 coming soon

It is finally about to arrive. I’ve been waiting for it almost always. I’m talking about the new version of the bootstrap graphics library (Bootstrap 5). One of my favorites is definitely the first. Removed JQuery The improvements of this new version will be aimed at making it “future-proof”, especially […]
Fix the HTTPD “Name or service not known” problem

Once you have set up a new domain you will be faced with this error when starting the apache web server: All this even if the domain you have configured is apparently correct. The solution is located under one of the server configurations: In it, the new domain created to […]
Java Streams

Java streams are sequences of data elements that can be processed with operations. Streams consist of 3 parts: a source, zero or more intermediate operations, and a terminal operation.In the meanwhile there is a data in pipe, another data is waiting its turn. For instance, for a data in terminal […]
Question mark and query strings in Apache Rewrite Rules

The apache rewrite module is very useful for defining precise URLs according to our needs, hiding also what we don’t want to expose to the final user. The RewriteCond means “execute the next RewriteRule only if this is true”. An example can be a redirect in the case of image […]