Scaling up with an Angular project: choosing the right strategy

As your Angular project grows, managing reusable components becomes crucial. This article explores four popular approaches: using a common industry library, a dedicated components library, modularizing within the project, and the single-module approach. Each solution offers unique benefits and trade-offs, guiding you towards the best fit for your specific needs.

The Big solution: industry components library

Leveraging a widely used library like Material Design or PrimeNG provides a rich set of pre-built components, saving development time and ensuring consistency across projects.


  • Rapid development: Utilize ready-made components, reducing development effort.
  • Consistency: Enforces a consistent design language across projects.
  • Community support: Benefit from a large community for troubleshooting and updates.


  • Potential bloat: May include unnecessary components, increasing bundle size.
  • Limited customization: Customization options might be restricted compared to building your own.
  • Dependency management: Adds another external dependency to manage and update.

Angular Code Example (Material Design):

    <mat-card-title>User Profile</mat-card-title>

The medium solution: dedicated components library

Creating a separate components library within your project offers more control and flexibility compared to an industry library.


  • Tailored components: Build components specifically for your project’s needs.
  • Shared codebase: Share reusable components across different projects.
  • Greater customization: Control component design and behavior more precisely.


  • Initial setup: Requires additional effort to establish and maintain the library.
  • Versioning complexity: Managing versioning between the library and consuming projects.
  • Duplication risk: Potential for duplicating functionality already available in industry libraries.

Angular Code Example (Custom Components Library):


// components/user-card/user-card.component.ts
  selector: 'app-user-card',
  templateUrl: './user-card.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./user-card.component.css']
export class UserCardComponent {
  @Input() user: any;

// components/user-card/user-card.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { UserCardComponent } from './user-card.component';

  declarations: [UserCardComponent],
  imports: [CommonModule],
  exports: [UserCardComponent]
export class UserCardModule { }

The medium/little Solution: modularizing within Angular project

Dividing your project into smaller, feature-based modules promotes maintainability and reusability without the overhead of a separate library.


  • Improved organization: Groups related components and functionalities together.
  • Independent development: Allows parallel development on different features.
  • Easier testing: Isolates components for more focused testing.


  • Increased complexity: Requires managing multiple modules and dependencies.
  • Potential redundancy: Might lead to duplicate code across modules if not carefully planned.
  • Module communication: Requires clear communication between modules through services or shared state.

Angular Code Example (Feature Module):

// features/user-management/user-management.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { UserListComponent, UserDetailComponent } from './';

  declarations: [UserListComponent, UserDetailComponent],
  imports: [CommonModule],
  exports: [UserListComponent, UserDetailComponent]
export class UserManagementModule { }

The little solution: single module (app.module) in Angular project

Keeping all components within the app.module is the simplest approach, suitable for small projects or rapid prototyping.


  • Minimal setup: No additional modules or libraries needed.
  • Easy development: Straightforward component usage within the main application.
  • Fast prototyping: Quickly test and iterate on ideas without complex structures.


  • Scalability limitations: Becomes difficult to manage as the project grows and complexity increases.
  • Maintainability challenges: Debugging and updating code becomes more complex with a single large module.
  • Testing difficulties: Testing individual components becomes more isolated and time-consuming.

Conclusion: choosing the right fit for your Angular project

The optimal component strategy for your Angular project hinges on its size, complexity, and team structure. While industry libraries offer pre-built components and community support, they might introduce bloat and limited customization. Dedicated component libraries provide more control and shared code, but require initial setup and versioning management. Modularizing your project enhances organization and independent development, but adds complexity and module communication challenges. Finally, the single-module approach is simple for small projects or prototyping, but lacks long-term scalability and maintainability.

Evaluate your project’s requirements carefully and consider the trade-offs involved in each approach. Start with the simplest solution that meets your current needs, and be prepared to evolve your strategy as your project grows and demands change. Remember, the goal is to create a maintainable, efficient, and scalable codebase that supports your project’s development and future iterations.

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