Java Streams

Java 8 streams

Java streams are sequences of data elements that can be processed with operations. Streams consist of 3 parts: a source, zero or more intermediate operations, and a terminal operation.In the meanwhile there is a data in pipe, another data is waiting its turn. For instance, for a data in terminal […]

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Java generic types

Generic Types

Let’s talk about the Java generic types. Most of the time, we add generics to make lists type-safe.We have pre-java 5 lists without generics that can get all known object’s types and when you get an object out of it we don’t know its type. When we use generics we […]

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Tips: rest API POST content types

If we need to POST an object with validated field, we can send it from our FE (Angular, React, etc…) application with 2 main content types: JSON or “form encoded”.Pay attenction to not use the @RequestBody annotation if you want to send those datas in the second one type.The application […]

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Optionals in Streams for Java

optionals in streams

Optionals are the Java’s way to make sure something comes out of streams, even in those cases where there may not be a result.The reason for their existence, their “raison d’être” is that, when a return value is defined in a method, that method must necessarily return something. Use Optionals […]

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