ES6 Javascript Arrow functions

ES6 Arrow functions

Arrow functions are a new ES6 Javascript feature to write more readable and shorter code, with the same results. It came with another new feature like the “let/const” renaming from the ES5 “var”. It may seem very similar to the anonymous functions of ES5 but with some small differences. A […]

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Simple logging system for Angular

Logging system

It can often be useful to have a centralized point where to keep an eye on the events that occur on our site. Today we’ll create a simple logging system for Angular, to manage everything in one place. To start, we create the enum that takes care of ordering the […]

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Javascript object to query string

js object to querystring

It can often be useful to transform a javascript object into a query string dynamically, without necessarily knowing the properties of that object. Another good reason is to avoid concatenation for each individual parameter. This method can be used also in javascript/typescript frameworks like: Angular, React, Svelte, etc. This is […]

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Mastering Glob patterns: from regex lite to powerful file finders

Glob patterns, often seen as simpler cousins of regular expressions, play a crucial role in various programming tasks, especially when dealing with files and directories. They offer a concise and versatile way to define a set of files matching specific criteria, saving you from writing complex and error-prone code. This […]

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Obscure sensible data – Javascript

Obscure sensible datas

Something we can have the request to obscure sensible data for hiding purposes of information.Pay attention that this is not a security prone method to hide sensible informations because someone can search on network requests and response and find what you’re trying to hide. We should do a true shadowing […]

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