PHP 7 operators: null coalescing (??) and space ship (<=>)


There are two changes regarding PHP 7, concerning two new operators that have been very useful to me during my years in PHP.

The “null coalescing” Operator: ??

In an expression it will return the left operand if this is not NULL, if this condition does not occur the right operand will be returned.

 $w = $x ?? $y;

The equivalent in the old PHP 5.6 would be (using the ternary operator):

 $w = isset($x) ? $x : $y;

The advantage in using this operator is evident in the simplicity and greater cleanliness of the written code.

The “space ship” Operator: <=>

In an expression it will return 1 if the left operand is greater than the right operand, -1 if the left operand is less than the right operand and 0 if the operands are equal.
It is very similar to the native function strcmp() with the difference that it can operate on any type of data.

 $w = $x <=> $y;

The equivalent in the old PHP 5.6 would be (using the ternary operator):

 $w = ($x < $y) ? -1 : (($x > $y) ? 1 : 0);

Try it at home!

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