JWT: the Token-Based Authentication

In the era of microservices and distributed applications, traditional session-based authentication often falls short. Enter JSON Web Tokens (JWT), a compact and self-contained mechanism for encoding user information. This article dives into the heart of JWTs, exploring their workings, benefits, and implementation with JavaScript and Java code examples. Anatomy of […]

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My regular expressions list

At least once in your life as a developer you will need a regular expression to solve some kind of filter / search / query on strings. Whenever this happened, you probably turned to the internet. This is why I decided to compile a mini list with some of the […]

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Mastering Glob patterns: from regex lite to powerful file finders

Glob patterns, often seen as simpler cousins of regular expressions, play a crucial role in various programming tasks, especially when dealing with files and directories. They offer a concise and versatile way to define a set of files matching specific criteria, saving you from writing complex and error-prone code. This […]

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